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Arrival | Headspace Main Entrance

Grow With the Flow

An architecture of care manifests sensitive and complex concepts through a fundamental embrace of the human experience, the product of which this thesis project aims to achieve. Embracing a phenomenological approach to spatiality and experience, this speculative design for a Headspace youth mental health centre in Eveleigh serves as a vehicle to examine the ways in which architecture can play an active role in both the giving and receiving of care. This proposal is a fundamentally simple one; architecture choreographed to grow with the flow, to move with the user, affording one a sense of dignity, comfort and care.

Therapeutic Landscapes | Green Space Diagrams

Therapeutic Landscapes | Green Space Diagrams

Southern Facade | Breakout Garden

Southern Facade | Breakout Garden

Grow With the Flow | Central Garden

Grow With the Flow | Central Garden

Communal Comfort | Interior View

Communal Comfort | Interior View