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Shows the long section of project, to emphasize the central multi-storey space and service space relationship, as well as the roof and platform relationship

The Roof

This project attempts to activate the social activities of urban residents on an irregular street corner site in Waterloo, according to the analysis of Jorn Utzon's relationship between platform and roof, this project liberates the people from the crowded streets through the roof and platform, which creates a heterotopia cultural centre parallel to the ground as described by Foucault, with retains part of the heritage building as the basis of the project and integrate the old and new into a whole building, which providing a place for the surrounding communities to socialize, rest and play.

Short section of project

Short section of project

Bird View

Bird View

Street perspective view

Street perspective view

Concept collage, roof space rendering, form generation and roof platform analysis

Concept collage, roof space rendering, form generation and roof platform analysis

Site analysis, site plan and ground floor plan

Site analysis, site plan and ground floor plan