“There is a gap to the northward of the light that might lead a captain astray who did not know the coast well…The captain must have mistaken the Gap for the North Head..." Equilibrium Oblivion is a project which seeks to neutralise the entropy of the cliff and the sea, at a site of wreckage and salvation, a silent witness to the tragic narrative of the Dunbar. The antithetical physical manifestation of both entities ironically provokes similar eerie feelings of nihilism. The cliff behind and the ocean ahead. The void behind and the void ahead.
SECTIONAL PERSPECTIVE: emerging from the cliff
APPROACH: Natural in materiality, incongruous in its surroundings, when approaching the theatre on an existing footpath above, the edge of the cliff hides the structure just enough to spark intrigue.
FLOOR PLANS: the grid amongst chaos, entropy in the eye of the storm
MODEL PHOTOS: stacking up and down, while traversing down the structure, the shifting of extreme views becomes a dizzying performance in of itself