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1:200 Theatre Model

Veil and Unveil

Located at Gore Cove, the junction between industrial remnants of Shell Oil terminal and the natural landscape of Berry Island, the theatre aims to create an experience of revealing and concealing layers of transformation. The design strategy is inspired by the process of landscape transformation observed at the site. Over time, the area has been shaped by industrial development, and more recently, nature has begun to reclaim parts of it. This interplay between the natural and manmade environments informs the spatial experience I seek to create, where the landscape and spatial experience engage in a dialogue of unveiling and concealing.

Veil and Unveil: the Gore Cove Theatre

Veil and Unveil: the Gore Cove Theatre

1:200 Site model

1:200 Site model

Perforated copper panels serve as a veil that mediates between the site's industrial past and natural future

Perforated copper panels serve as a veil that mediates between the site's industrial past and natural future

Perforated copper panels veil parts of the theatre, and as the wind blows, the panels flutter, momentarily unveiling the building beneath.

Perforated copper panels veil parts of the theatre, and as the wind blows, the panels flutter, momentarily unveiling the building beneath.

Stairs towards the harbour play with the natural forces of the tides. This daily rhythm of the tide reminds the ongoing relationship between the natural environment and the built world.

Stairs towards the harbour play with the natural forces of the tides. This daily rhythm of the tide reminds the ongoing relationship between the natural environment and the built world.