Deborah Barnstone, ADP
Robery Cooley, Bidgigal, Gamay Rangers
Hannes Frykholm, ADP
Isabel Gabaldon, ADP
Adam Grice, ADP/officeadamgrice
Zie Liu, Woods Bagot
Jesse McNicoll
Stewart Monti, Atelier Ten
Michael Mossman, ADP
Michael Muir, ADP
Genevieve Murray, ADP
Valentina Petrone, Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Government
Mano Ponnambalam, ADP
Deepti Prasad, ADP
Lachlan Seegers, Lachlan Seegers Architect
Ben Slee, Blacktown Council
Chris L. Smith, ADP
Geoff Turnbull, Waterloo Human Services Collaborative
Neha Yadav, Atelier Ten